Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Majlis Pimpinan Pembangkang tolak hukum hudud cadangan PAS

Anwar Ibrahim
“Kita tak boleh nafikan hak mana-mana pihak untuk mengemukakan pendirian tetapi kita terikat dengan dasar bersama dan Perlembagaan Persekutuan,” Ketua Pembangkang, Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim.

Anwar berkata demikian selepas mempengerusikan mesyuarat pakatan pembangkang selama tiga jam di sini malam semalam.

Beliau berkata pakatan pembangkang menghormati pendirian Pas dalam hal itu tetapi pada masa yang sama menerima perbezaan pendirian DAP yang menentang pelaksanaannya.

Ketika ditanya sama ada isu hudud akan terus diketepikan pada masa akan datang, Anwar yang juga Penasihat PKR berkata, gabungan itu tidak ada masalah untuk membincangkan tentangnya kerana berpegang pada prinsip demokrasi dan kebebasan bersuara.

Majlis Pimpinan Pakatan (MPP) buat masa ini, tidak akan melaksanakan hukum hudud seperti yang dicadangkan Pas kerana ia tidak menepati dasar bersama, Perlembagaan Persekutuan dan agenda Buku Jingga.
Sumber: Utusan

Chin thinks unnecessary and declines invite to Mazu temple

Chin Su Phin
"I would like to thank association's President John Lim, but i think that (the invitation) is unnecessary," LDP Deputy President Senator Datuk Chin Su Phin.

He said that when rejecting the Federation of Hainan Associations Of Sabah and Labuan's (FHASL) invitation to visit the Mazu (Goddes of the Sea) Temple in China.

Chin was commenting on Lim's recent statement in the local dailies inviting him to join the FHASL's visit to the Mazu Temple in China.

Instead, Chin suggested that Lim invite the Chief minister so as to give Datuk Musa Aman the opportunity to learn and understand the Mazu culture and history in China.
Source: Daily Express

LDP's Chin gets invite to Mazu temple

Chin Su Phin
President of the Federation of Hainan Association Sabah and Federal Territory of Labuan, John Lim Yu Sin, has invited Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) Deputy President Senator Datuk Chin Su Phin to visit the Mazu temple in Meizhou, China, to better understand Mazu culture.

Lim would be going to Meizhou to visit the temple where the Mazu temple and statue in Pantai Bak-Bak Kudat originated from. 

He said even though Chin is not a Mazu believer, he was extending the sincere invitation for him to have a better understanding of the Mazu culture caring spirit. 

Statue of Mazu
Lim believed that if Chin were to join the trip, Chin would have a better and deeper understanding about Mazu culture that would, in turn, make him release better press statements when it comes to Mazu related issues. 

The trip takes place before the association's ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of Mazu statue and temple in Kudat. 

"If Chin has a better understanding of Mazu culture, it's not only a blessing for us but the whole Chinese community in the Sabah," said Lim. 
Courtesy of Daily Express

Monday, 26 September 2011

DAP's top leadership will resign en masse if...

Guan Eng
"If there is any mention that we want to implement Hudud law in our common policy framework and Buku Jingga, the party's entire central committee will resign," DAP Secretary-General Lim Guan Eng said. 

"Hudud law was never included in Pakatan's common policy framework and if it is not included, it should not be part of the agenda," Lim who is also Chief Minister of Penang, added. 

He said the pact between DAP, PAS and PKR had been agreed upon in "black and white" and was aimed at collaboration on common issues such as justice, the fight against corruption and upholding ruman rights.  

Earlier, DAP national chairman Karpal Singh said his party had never accepted hudud or the idea of setting up an Islamic state and neither had Pakatan made an official stand supporting it. 

DAP and PAS are at loggerheads over the implementation of hudud law and formation of an Islamic state, after PAS spiritual adviser Datuk Seri Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat recently called for their implementation in Kelantan. PKR adviser Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim shocked his Pakatan allies when he openly supported PAS' plan to implement Hudud law in Kelantan. 

Seats: A responsibility and not a privilege

Datuk Seri Musa Aman
"We have not determined (the new candidates) yet. We will select and discuss the matter with the Prime Minister first," replied Datuk Seri Musa Aman, Chief Minister Of Sabah when asked  whether there is a likelihood that the State Barisan Nasional may field several new faces in the coming 13th General Election.

"People know that the BN government is always truthful and committed to fulfil its pledges for the people," Musa who is also Sabah BN chief said. 

"What is certain is that whoever is chosen must be winnable, be willing to work hard and be accepted by the people as we are calling present leaders to go down the ground and get closer to the people". he stressed.

"We are also calling all the elected representatives to take their seats as a responsibility and not a privilege," he added. 
Source: Daily Express

Tuesday, 20 September 2011

Masa untuk bekerja, bukan politik kerusi

Musa Aman
"Kita tidak mahu banyak bercakap. Kita mahu banyak bekerja kerana rakyat menilai keupayaan kita." Datuk Seri Musa Aman.

Beliau mengingatkan demikian ketika ditanya sama ada parti Gerakan mempunyai peluang bertanding di negeri ini pada pilihan raya umum ke-13 berikutan kemasukan beberapa ahli politik berpengalaman yang turut memegang jawatan penting dalam Kabinet negeri sekarang di dalam parti itu.

"[...], kita dalam BN sentiasa bincang apa yang terbaik untuk semua,” tambahnya lagi selepas menghadiri majlis rumah terbuka Aidilfitri Jabatan Ketua Menteri di Kota Kinabalu hari ini.

Musa menasihatkan semua parti supaya sentiasa bekerja keras dan memastikan rancangan pembangunan BN dilaksanakan dengan lancar dan disiapkan mengikut jadual bagi mencapai sasaran dan memenuhi kehendak rakyat.

Saman RM5juta: Husam atau Kickdefella

Husam vs Kickdefella
Naib Presiden Pas, Datuk Husam Musa memfailkan saman fitnah sebanyak RM5 juta terhadap blogger Kickdefella atau Syed Azidi Syed Abdul Aziz.

Mengikut writ saman berkenaan, Husam yang juga Exco kerajaan negeri Kelantan, menuntut Syed Azizi memohon maaf secara bertulis tanpa syarat kepadanya selain menuntut defendan membuat permohonan maaf secara terbuka dalam blog defendan, di samping memadamkan tiga artikel yang didakwa memfitnah beliau.

Husam juga menuntut Syed Azidi mengiklankan permohonan maaf tersebut di dalam akhbar nasional harian bahasa Melayu selama satu hari, bayaran ganti rugi sebanyak RM5 juta, ganti rugi teladan, ganti rugi melampau, ganti rugi punitif, lain-lain relif yang dikirkan wajar oleh mahkamah, selain faedah pada kadar 8 peratus setahun sehingga penyelesaian penuh tuntutan.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

Lagi video Anwar didedah

Gambar Hiasan: dipetik dari
Blog Papa Gomo hari ini mendedahkan klip video berwarna yang didakwa menunjukkan Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim memasuki lif sebuah pangsapuri tempat ketua pembangkang itu melakukan hubungan seks dengan seorang perempuan warga China.

Rakaman berdurasi selama 47 saat itu dimuat naik hasil rakaman kamera litar tertutup (CCTV) yang dipercayai diperoleh dari pangsapuri berkenaan.

Thursday, 15 September 2011

Sabah had seen 13 Chief Ministers since 1963

Abdul Rahman Dahlan
"Here in Malaysia, the rakyat have the democratic right to choose their leaders. This nation has consistent general elections and has held elections without fail since independence.  Datuk Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Sabah Barisan Nasional (BN) Secretary.

He was commenting on Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan, United Borneo Front (UBF) Chairman clarification that his call for the Chief Minister's and Prime Minister's appointment to be limited to a maximum of two terms was not a criticism about the way present leaders are ruling the country or the State of Sabah. 

Abdul Rahman who is also Kota Belud MP said Malaysia had seen six Prime Ministers and 13 Sabah Chief Ministers. 

"That is the undeniable proof that government leaderships in this country do change" He added. 

Wednesday, 14 September 2011

They are entitled to their opinions, says Musa

Datuk Seri Musa Aman
Chief Minister Datuk Seri Musa Aman on Sunday shrugged off United Borneo Front (UBF) Chairman Datuk Dr Jeffrey Kitingan's suggestion to limit the terms of the Prime Minister, Menteri Besar and Chief Ministers to a maximum of two. 

 "They are entitled to their opinions," he said when met after attending the Parti Bersatu Sabah (PBS) Hari Raya Aidilfitri celebration at Maksak Hall, here. 

Musa, who is also State Barisan Nasional (BN) Chairman, declined further comment on the matter.  More..

Monday, 12 September 2011

9/11: Ten years on

"For some Americans, the deaths of nearly 3,000 people was not the scariest thing about 9/11. It was realizing who carried out the attacks: yes, the American government." - AFP

A decade to take to openly realize that the American government carried out the attack despite countless official and non-governmental inquiries, media reporting, and often common sense, is another scariest thing to ponder.

It was reported on the same article stating that US government didn't actually blow up its citizens, but knew full well the attacks were coming, but then did nothing to stop them, is another thing to ponder which is not less scary as well.

Both lights emitted on the exact location where the WTC once were

Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad in his blog suggested "This is the legacy of George W. Bush."

Orang utan: Australia tidak layak ajar Malaysia

Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
''Mereka dari Australia tidak mempunyai kedudukan moral yang lebih tinggi untuk mengajar kita kerana saya sendiri melihat orang utan menggigil di zoo negara itu semasa musim sejuk, mereka gagal menjaga orang utan di negara sendiri," Tan Sri Bernard Dompok, Menteri Perusahaan Perladangan dan Komoditi.

Beliau mengulas dakwaan berlaku pembasmian hutan seluas 300 buah padang bola setiap jam untuk tanam kelapa sawit dan kematian 50 ekor orang utan setiap minggu sebagai tidak berasas.

Cukai 6 peratus ditangguh

Datuk Seri Utama Rais Yatim
“Saya rasa lega bahawa mereka bersetuju untuk menangguhkannya dan kementerian akan membuat beberapa kajian mengenai isu yang dibangkitkan [...]," Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim.

Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan itu berkata persetujuan berkenaan diputuskan secara bersama oleh empat syarikat terbabit ( Celcom, Maxis, Digi dan U Mobile) selepas mengadakan perbincangan bersama kementerian itu di pejabatnya di Angkasapuri. 

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